We are ordinary people
focused on
extraordinary change

Tina Brunet (Founder/CEO)
Tina founded Full Circle in 2020 after years of volunteering her time in various community groups and organisations. Born in India, Tina has always felt grateful to be raised in Australia and have access to the freedom and choices that would otherwise not be available to her. Tina believes that education is something that once given, cannot be taken away. Full circle was created to provide opportunities to girls who would otherwise not have access to rise above others due to poverty, caste and social norms.

Livleen Singh (Chair)
Helping people to be their best is a driving factor in Livleen’s life. Growing up as a girl of colour in a western community, Livleen allowed negativity to overpower her, leading to insecurities and lack of confidence. She realises now that her differences are her strengths. Livleen has a vision to empower young girls and women to be strong in their own unique selves and unafraid to stand up for their beliefs and values. She believes that education is empowerment and this will lead to them being able to break their own barriers as they strive for freedom and growth.

Sheena Saigal (Board Member)
Sheena began her life and career in India. Her family had a military background, which exposed her to many underprivileged towns in the eastern part of India. This motivated her to work in and contribute within a social enterprise that would enable women to earn their income so they consistently invest back into their families and send their girls to school to continue educating their generations to come. Sheena is a strong believer in educating our boys and men and empowering our girls and women. She believes that every woman and girl in the world has the potential to create change. This can be achieved through access to knowledge, skills, leadership training and resources to build awareness of their right to demand a fair, just and equal world in which they are able to thrive.

Sandra Zivcic (Board Member)
Sandra is a lawyer who’s spent 20 years working in financial services in Australia. A child of migrant parents who spoke no English, she understands the power that comes from a good education, strong female role models, and what can happen when a young woman seizes an opportunity. Sandra believes that every young woman, no matter where she lives, deserves the right to determine her own future and to realise her full potential.