We create opportunities to reimagine chapters of our story
Through the lens of education & leadership. We want children to have the agency & choice to become the narrators, instead of the pen.
Our committee of management members identify as women and come from migrant backgrounds. Often, we are reminded of the freedoms we enjoy in Australia and how would lives would look vastly different if our parents had not had the means to migrate in pursuit of a better life for us all. At the intersection of imagination and yearning to do more is where the seeds of Full Circle were planted.
We partner with institutions who work with children living within unequal systems and communities to design opportunities that can enable them to thrive and overcome obstacles. We place children at the centre of our thinking and hold their needs at the core of our vision.
We invite you to join us in enabling this change. It is through likeminded hearts and minds connecting together that we can stand on shoulders and reach children that are hidden in shadows in the far corners of our world.
Our Social Impact
Our concept provides an curated leadership program to be developed around the needs of students and the eco-system in which they exist.
We co-create a curriculum that provides opportunities for students to strengthen their capacity to become future leaders in all that they choose to embark upon in their future.
Deeper dive
We are currently in partnership with a school based in Kolkata, India that delivers primary and high school education to students from underprivileged communities. We have worked with our partner to develop a Leadership Program curriculum around the needs of the school and the community.
The content in the leadership program modules including Foundational, Life Skills, Entrepreneurship, Speaker Series, Employability and Sex Education, each are areas that were found as gaps between what the students were learning at school and what they needed to build emotional intelligence, confidence and resilience.
Full Circle provides funding to our partner schools so that they can appoint a dedicated Leadership Coach to lead the program on the ground. We create Lesson Plans and work with the Coach to build their capacity. The model enables additional teachers to be trained in the program so that the program is not dependent on a single resource and can be scaled as needed.
We also provide robust measurement frameworks to ensure that we keep track of the impacts of the program on students. These measures are defined and connected to the UNs Sustainable Development Goals of SDG4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, SDG5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls and SDG8 – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Our future goals are to expand to additional schools across underprivileged communities around the world including India with the support of philanthropic and other sustainable fundraising sources.